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Sunday, July 1, 2012

The End of the Line

Yesterday afternoon, the Pedaling Pilgrimage finally arrived at the David Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh where Presbyterians were streaming in for opening worship. It was a difficult last day, adding on over 15 extra miles on some difficult trails. But the Sweaty Sheep persevered, riding in to Pittsburgh with the help of friendly guides pointing out the way across the bridge to the Convention Center. Only two flat tires happened on the last 10 miles, forcing one cyclist to ride in on a flat tire - but it didn't deter the team, who wouldn't quit until General Assembly was in sight.

The cyclists rode in to the Convention Center to a warm welcome from Presbyterians and passersby alike, grateful that the long trip was finally over. As worship began, the bikes went in to storage for a few hours until the opening plenary session. Then, when Moderator Cynthia Bolbach asked where the Stated Clerk was so that the session could get started, Ryan Althaus rode in with Gradye Parsons on the back of a purple tandem bicycle, followed by Philip Lotspeich, Alex Becker, Peter Barnes-Davies, and Chris Valentine - all on bicycles. It was a short ride, but a great way to end the week-long trip and a wonderful introduction to the 1,001 New Worshiping Communities initiative of which Team Sweaty Sheep  is a part.

Now the bikes are being put away, and the business of General Assembly is starting. But this isn't the end for Team Sweaty Sheep - it's only the beginning!

Did you follow our trip online? Get yourself a T-shirt!

Want to pull off stunts like this in your own presbytery or church? Get in touch with Ryan or Alex at or